rates are around 10%, I can't help but have an extra appreciation for my job. Too often people get in a rut with their job and just kind of go into cruise control. I look at my local area and see many of my friends who are laid-off with no real hope of going back to work for another 3-6 months. It makes me realize that I am very fortunate to have a stable job in an industry that rarely has lay-offs. I know that I have
"stepped it up" at work by re-focusing and doing anything extra that I can to show my appreciation for my job. Don't be "the
" or the "five o-clock Charlie" unless you want to be the first on on the lay-off list. Imagine just how much worse off you would be if your job were eliminated. Scary thought. Times like this can be a much needed wake up call for those who are just going through a routine (rut). A new attitude is a great start and combine that with increased performance and you will help build your
financial stability
. Wake up now before it's too late.