How to Win the Lottery. Secret to Scratch Off Lottery Tickets Revealed?

There was a column on a major news blog this past week that said a guy in Toronto, Canada had cracked the code to scratch off lottery tickets. He said that he could tell which tickets would be winners by looking at the pattern of numbers on the ticket.
This guy called the Ontario lottery agent and told them that he knew how to predict which tickets would win and also sent in some predicted winners--19 out of 20 predicted correctly (thus the tickets were then pulled from the store). This guy could have made a small fortune if he would have chosen to use his knowledge to scam the government. Did this really happen or is this guy a little delusionable? The best way to beat the system when it comes to scratch off lottery tickets is to NOT PLAY! If you play consistently, you WILL lose your money. There is no such thing as luck. Make you own good fortune, save your money.